이동만, 신병헌, 강남용, “사용자 맞춤형 정형화된 가치데이터 마이닝 기반의 문화관광 스케줄링 프로그램”, C-2015-003852, 2015.02.17, 대한민국 C-2015-003852.pdf
이동만, 김병오, 신병헌, 손희석, “장소성 기반 태스크 추천 및 실행 프로그램”, C-2014-008581, 2014.04.15, 대한민국 C-2014-008581.pdf
이동만, 이원재, 김정민, “비정형 문화관광 웹/블로그 데이터 수집 프로그램”, C-2014-008582, 2014.04.15, 대한민국 C-2014-008582.pdf
이동만, 이영희, 고인영, 맹성현, 현순주, “장소성 인지 Urban Computing Middleware”, 2010-01-279-000485, 2010.01.28, 대한민국 2010-01-279-000485.zip
Yangwoo Ko, John C Klensin, “Overview and Framework for Internationalized Email,” IETF Trust, July 2007, rfc4952.txt
Seungik Lee, Hyewon Shin, Dongman Lee, Eunyong Park, and Sungil Kim, “Architecture of Internationalized Domain Name System,” IETF Internet-Draft: draft-silee-idn-arch-00.txt, July 2000 [http://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-idn-icu-00 Link]
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-16: Rationale to the update of ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-17: Proposed Changes to Section 3 and 4 (Definitions & Abbreviations) in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-18: Proposed Changes to Section 6 (Overview) in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-19: Proposed Changes to Section 7 (Considerations) in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-20: Proposed Changes to Section 8 (Packets) in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-21: Proposed Changes to Section 9 (Procedures) in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “6SP7-23: Presentation of ECTP-5 Modifications,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Sep. 2005 ECTP0509.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “1087-WP1: Rationale for Logical tree adaptation in ECTP-5 (ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC WD 14476-5),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Oct. 2005 ECTP0510.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “1088-WP1: Logical tree adaptation in ECTP-5 (ITU-T X.608 | ISO/IEC WD 14476-5),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Oct. 2005 ECTP0510.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Haejun Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi, “1105-WP1: Presentation material on Logical Tree Adaptation in ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Oct. 2005 ECTP0510.pdf
Dongman Lee, Dongun Yi, Seungik Lee, and Yangwoo Ko, “D-182: A proposed modification on ECTP-5 (ITU-T draft Recommendation X.608),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Apr. 2006 ECTP0604.pdf
Dongman Lee, Dongun Yi, Seungik Lee, and Yangwoo Ko, “1157-WP1: Presentation slide on ECTP-5 (ITU-T draft Recommendation X.608),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Apr. 2006 ECTP0604.pdf
Dongman Lee, Dongun Yi, Seungik Lee, and Yangwoo Ko, “1184-WP1: Test report of ECTP-5 (ITU-T draft Recommendation X.608),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Apr. 2006 ECTP0604.pdf
Dongman Lee, S.J. Koh, “6N 13110 (7PR-37): FCD text for ECTP: N-plex Multicast Transport ,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Czech Prague, June 2006 lk0606.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi “WG7-PR-29: A Proposed Change to ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Czech Prague, June 2006llky0606.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi “WG7-PR-30: Test Report of ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Czech Prague, June 2006 llky0606-2.pdf
Dongman Lee, Seungik Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongun Yi “WG7-PR-34: Presentation Slide on ECTP-5,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Czech Prague, June 2006 llky0606-3.pdf
Seungik Lee, Juyoung Park, Shin Gak Kang, and Dongman Lee, “C-0219: Considerations on the use of application layer reliability solutions according to IPTV service type,” ITU-T FG IPTV, Busan Korea, Oct. 2006 lpkl0610-2.pdf
Seungik Lee, Juyoung Park, Shin Gak Kang, and Dongman Lee, “C-0220: Existing standards/activities for ARQ-based application layer reliability solutions,” ITU-T FG IPTV, Busan Korea, Oct. 2006. lpkl0610.pdf
Seungik Lee, Dongman Lee, Juyoung Park, and Shin Gak Kang, “COM 17-C 61-E: A proposal for new action item: A mobility support for reliable multicast in wired-cum-wireless networks,” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, Dec. 2006 llpk0612.pdf
Dongman Lee, Hyun Kook Kahng, “Proposed revised text of ITU-T X.608.1 | ISO/IEC 14476-6 (ECTP-6),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, September 2007. lk0709.pdf
Seungik Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongman Lee, “COM 17-C 292-E: Proposed revised text of ITU-T X.608.1 (ECTP-6),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, April 2008. lkl0804.pdf
Seungik Lee, Yangwoo Ko, and Dongman Lee, “Proposed revised Text of ITU-T X.608.1 (ECTP-6),” Joint Meeting of ITU-T Q.1/17 and JTC1/SC6/WG7, September 2008. lkl0809.pdf
Best paper award (우수논문상): 한승욱, 손희석, 김병오, 한선영, 이동만, “PersonalGenie: 이질적인 스마트 IoT간의 자발적 상호작용을 위한 상황인지 미들웨어 시스템”, 제 38회 한국정보과학회 추계학술발표회, Nov. 2011. shbsd11_award.jpg
Best student paper: Kyungman Kwak, Gonzalo Huerta-Canepa, Yangwoo Ko, Dongman Lee, Soon J. Hyun, “An Overlay-based Resource Monitoring Scheme for Social Applications in MANET.” 33rd Annual IEEE International Conference on Computer, Software and Applications(COMPSAC 2009), July 2009. kgyds09_award.pdf
“U-컴퓨팅 상황인지 기술”, 이동만,이영희,현순주,고인영,조위덕 공저, jinhan M&B, 2009.05