Urban Dynamics via Human Mobility Data

What are we researching?

We explore three main areas:
(1) human mobility and its relationship to placeness and urban changes,
(2) advanced analytical methods for spatiotemporal understanding,
(3) applications and solutions for various urban problems.

Why is this research meaningful?

The study of urban dynamics has undergone a revolutionary transformation in recent years, driven by the proliferation of ubiquitous computing technologies and the resulting wealth of data they generate.

In the era of smart cities and Internet of Things (IoT), urban environments are increasingly saturated with sensors, mobile devices, and interconnected systems. This ubiquitous technological infrastructure has created unprecedented opportunities for studying placeness, human behavior, and the built environment. The importance of this research is paramount, as it offers crucial insights into how people interact with and experience urban spaces, informing urban planning, policy-making, and the design of more livable, efficient, and sustainable cities.

What are the biggest Challenges in this field?

Spatio-temporal Understanding

Both temporal and spatial dimensions are unique characteristics of urban data.

Human Behavior and Perception

Placeness is formed by human behavior and perception in built environment.

Urban Foundation Model

Various cities and regions could be understood by Urban Foundation Model. It makes generability and adaptability of AI model to urban research.

Selected Current Research Directions in this Area:

Accessibility to Urban Facilities

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Urbanization & Commercialization