- Development of a context engine for smart home appliances
- 스마트 가전과의 상호작용을 지원하는 자가 학습형 컨텍스트 엔진 개발
- Funded by: LG Electronics
- Period: 2014 (1 year)
Completed Projects
Smart Appliances
Pervasive Computing
- Development of Autonomous IoT Collaboration Framework for Space Intelligence
- Subject: 공간지능을 위한 IoT 사물간 자율협업 기술 개발
- Funded by: MSIP (미래창조과학부)
- Period: 2017.04 ~ 2018.12 (2 years)
- IoT-based Smart Home Community Platform
- Subject: IoT 기반 스마트 홈 커뮤니티에서 안전하고 행복한 삶을 위한 소셜 매칭 및 소통 서비스 기술 개발
- Funded by: MSIP (미래창조과학부)
- Period: 2014.03 ~ 2017.02 (3 years)
- Development of a service provisioning middleware to provide spontaneous service composition for smart IoT
- Subject:스마트 IoT 기반의 즉시적 서비스 조합 기술 개발
- Funded by: Korea Communications Agency
- Period: 2011.03 – 2014.2 (3 years)
- PersonalGenie Project
- Subject: Smart opportunistic interactions with the world at your finger tips
- Period: 2012 (1 year)
- Research on Core Technology of Group-context based Community Computing Software Platform for Heterogeneous Ubiquitous Smart Spaces
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2006.4 – 2009.3 (3 years)
- Development of a Software Platform Supporting Context-Aware Spontaneous Interaction with Mobile Phones
- Funded by: Samsung Electronics
- Period: 2007.2 – 2007.12 (10 months)
- Development of a Lightweight Middleware for Smart Objects in a Ubiquitous Home Environment
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2006.3 – 2007.2 (1 year)
- Group Concept Based Middleware
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2005.3 – 2007.2 (2 years)
- Urban Computing Middleware Technology Development
- Subject: Development of Urban Computing Middleware which can improve quality of life and user’s convenience on service utilization
- Funded by: Ministry of Knowledge and Economy
- Period: 2008.3 – 2009.2 (2 years)
- A Context-Based Service Reconfigurable Framework for a Smart Home Environment
- Funded by: SAIT
- Period: 2003.10 – 2004.7 (10 months)
- Development of Placeness-based Data Mining Core Technologies for Real-time Intelligent Information Recommendation Services in Smart Spaces
- Subject: 스마트 공간에서의 실시간 지능형 정보 추천서비스를 위한 장소성 기반 데이터 마이닝 핵심기술 개발
- Funded by: MSIP (미래창조과학부)
- 문화기술대학원(GSCT)
- Period: 2015.07 ~ 2017.08 (2 years)
- 태스크 기반 분산 IoT 미들웨어 개발
- Funded by: Samsung Electronics
- Period: 2015 ~ 2016 (1 year)
- 장소/사회적 관계 인지형 소셜 미디어 서비스 기술 개발
- 주관기관: 한국전자통신연구원(ETRI)
- Funded by: Ministry of Knowledge Economy
- Period: 2010.03 – 2012.2 (2 years)
- Data Collation and Publish/Subscribe Framework for Distributed Data Mining
- Funded by: LG Electronics
- Period: 2011.03 – 2012.2 (1 year)
- A Multiuser Context-aware Resource Management for Smart spaces
- Period: 2007.9 – 2008.8 (1 year)
- Development of Semantic Grid Middleware and Business Grid Technology
- Funded by: Institute for Information Technology Advancement
- Period: 2006.9 – 2007.8 (1 year)
- Development of a Group-Situation Aware Software System Infrastructure for SGIC (self-growing intelligent community computing) Environment
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2005.4 – 2006.3
- Group-Aware Middleware
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2004.3 – 2005.2 (1 year)
- Interactive Media with Personal Networked Devices
- Subject: Creation of a network middleware to provide seamless communication between networking components
- Funded by: University of Geneva
- Period: 2006.10 – 2010.9 (4 years)
- A Community-Aware Middleware Infrastructure for Active Surroundings
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2003.3 – 2004.2 (1 year)
Network Architecture for Distributed Virtual Environments
- Versatile Network System Architecture for Multi-dimensional Diversity
- Subject: 서비스/단말/네트워크 다양성 지원을 위한 미래형 다차원 네트워크 시스템 아키텍쳐 연구
- Funded by: MSIP (미래창조과학부)
- Period: 2016.04 ~ 2020.12 (5 years)
- Network Framework for Large Scale Collaborative Virtual Environments
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 1998.9 – 2001.8 (3 years)
- Development of a Server for Virtual Shopping Mall
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 1999.1 – 2002.12 (3 years)
- 지능정보사회에서의 네트워크 핵심 기술 연구
- Funded by: OSIA
- Period: 2017.04.01 ~ 2017.11.10
- Development of a Virtual Collaborative Engineering Environment
- Funded by: Daewoo Brenic systems.
- Period: 1999.9 – 2002.10 (3 years)
- Scalable Interest Management and Communication Architecture for Distributed Virtual Environments
- Funded by: Korea Science and Engineering Foundation
- Period: 2000.8 – 2003.2 (3 years)
Multicast Protocol
- AccessGrid in PACSGrid
- Fund: TBA
- Period: 2006.9 ~ 2007.9
- Research on Application Service of NGN Multicast
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2006.5.1 – 2006.11.30 (7 months)
- Development of a Multicast Protocol for Internet-based Collaborative Virtual Environment
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 1998.9.1 – 2000 8.31 (2 years)
- Development of a Many-to-many Multicast Protocol in the Wired/Wireless
- Funded by: Ministry of Science and Technology (NRL)
- Period: 2001.7.11 – 2006 7.10 (6 years)
- Development of Context-aware Middleware for Ubiquitous Server
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2002.1.1 – 2006.12.31 (5 years)
- Multicast for the Integrated Environment of Home Networking and the Wireless Internet
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2001.4.1 – 2001.11.30 (8 months)
Group Communication
- Fault Tolerent Multicast Protocol over The Internet
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 1999.2 – 1999.11 (10 months)
- Development of a Reliable Group Communication in Mobile Environments
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2001.5 – 2002.1 (9 months)
- Development of a Fault Tolerant Group Communication System
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2000.2 – 2000.11 (10 months)
- Fundamental technologies for the Future Internet (미래인터넷 기반 기술 연구)
- Subject: Developing fundamental technologies for the Future Internet and the related standardization activities will be done at the same time
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 2007.3 – 2010.2 (3 years)
- Establishment of Trust-based Ultra-High Density Network
- Subject: 신뢰 기반 초고밀도 네트워크 구축 방안 연구 조사
- Funded by: OSIA (개방형 컴퓨터 통신 연구회), FIF (미래 인터넷 포럼)
- Period: 2018.07 ~ 2018.12 (6 month)
- 다국어 전자 메일주소 국제표준화 활동 및 연구
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2006.3.20 – 2006.12.30 (9 months)
- 모바일 인터넷 환경에서 동적 그룹통신 연구
- Funded by: ETRI
- Period: 2002.5.1 – 2000.12.31 (8 months)
- Media Lab Asia 설립 계획에 관한 연구
- Funded by: ICU
- Period: 2001.3.1 – 2002.3.31 (6 months)
- 인터넷기반 실시간 강의 소프트웨어 안정화 및 개선
- Funded by: NADATEL
- Period: 2000.9.1 – 2000.12.31 (6 months)
- Development of Cyber University
- Funded by: Ministry of Information and Communications
- Period: 1999.9 – 2000.8 (1 year)
- 다국어 도메인 이름 서비스 시스템 개발
- Funded by: Netpia.com
- Period: 2000.7.1 – 2001.6.30 (1 yr)
- Development of a set-top box-based video conferencing supporting system
- Funded by: ICU & Impresstek co.
- Period: 1999.8 – 2000.7.31 (1 year)
- 차세대 무선통신서비스 제공을 위한 무선통신 환경구축 1-2
- Funded by: KT
- Period: 2006.5 – 2006.12 (7 months)
- 네트워크 가상현실 시스템 개발
- Funded by: Gasiopeia
- Period: 2003.7.15 – 2003.11.30 (5 months)
- 가상커뮤니티 서비스를 지원하는 미들웨어 개발(3)
- Funded by: Institute for Information Technology Advancement
- Period: 2000.7.1 – 2000.12.31 (6 months)
- UDDI와 한글 키워드 도메인 검색시스템을 이용한 향상된 기업 웹서비스 검색 시스템 개발
- Funded by: Netpia.com
- Period: 2001.2.1 – 2002.12.31 (6 months)
- 다국어 도메인 이름 서비스 시스템 개발
- Funded by: Institute for Information Technology Advancement
- Period: 2000.7.1 – 2000.12.31 (6 months)
- Group communication protocol for Linux clustering
- Funded by: National Intelligence Service, Korea
- Period: 2000.1 – 2000.12 (1 year)
- 인터넷 S/W 기술 개발
- Funded by: Institute for Information Technology Advancement
- Period: 2000.1.1 – 2000.8.31 (8 months)
- Development of a call control module for H.245 protocol
- Funded by: ICU & Impresstek co.
- Period: 2000.7.1 – 2001.6.30 (1 year)