Welcome to CDSN Lab @ KAIST!

Welcome to CDSN Lab @ KAIST!

Collaborative Distributed Systems & Networks (CDS&N in short) Laboratory led by Prof. Dongman Lee belongs to KAIST (formerly ICU). Our laboratory has played a leading role in networking research since its foundation in 1997. The laboratory was selected as National Research Laboratory (NRL) by Korean government in 2001. Our lab members have contributed a lot in various research areas: multicast transport, mobile/wireless communications, networking support in distributed virtual environments. The current research topic of CDS&N laboratory is to study middleware for ubiquitous computing environments.
The physical environment that we live in is steadily becoming smarter as more and more “stuff” are being embedded with computing capabilities. In other words, computing is becoming ubiquitous, and computing systems must become correspondingly seamless to keep them usable.
Our research group focuses on the study of emergent service support for such ubiquitous computing environments. We do research and development in middleware for ubiquitous computing environments, upon which we also develop applications such as mobile social software that demonstrate support for emergent services. Our middleware for ubiquitous computing environments is composed of multiple modules which handles all the required aspects such as application management, service reconfiguration, context management, service interaction, networking, environment sensing, etc.